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How to Search?
F·P·P Search Engine, uses advanced technique to find informations.

Using keywords will help you to narrow searching results.
Avaiable keywords are:
Using eg. maps AND ctf, will display all results were words maps and words ctf were found.
This is the default setting for the search engine, also the order of words doesn't matter here.
The same results would be found with maps ctf, or ctf maps, or ctf AND maps.

Using eg. maps OR ctf, will display results where words maps or words ctf were found.

Using eg. maps NOT ctf, will display results where words maps were found but not wordsctf.

To make your search more exact, you can use expressions.
To create an expression put some phrase between quotes, eg. big maps ctf, this will find all results were exacly that pharse was found.

Advanced Search
Keywords can be used together, this way you can search for very specific data.

Using eg. maps ctf NOT "threewave ctf", will display all results with words maps and ctf, but threewave ctf.

Case sensitive or insenstive?
The Search Engine matches for upper/lower case so using maps ctf, MAPS CTF or mApS cTf, will display the same results.



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Today is Tuesday · 23 April · 2024
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